
CATE™ Master Preparation

SkyTest® has its roots in business-to-consumer pilot aptitude training software. Thousands of pilots worldwide trust our training products. SkyTest® CATE™ is our solution to use the software in professional FTO environments.

Our training approach is guided by non-technical airmen aptitudes (NOTECHS Framework) and focuses on:

  • Resilience
    • Stress
    • Monotony
  • Situational Awareness
    • Information Perception and Processing
    • Spatial Orientation
  • Decision-Making
  • Communication
  • Maths / Science

SkyTest® CATE™ connects one or more SkyTest® consumer training products of your choice with our Classroom Solution, a web-based adminstration backend.

SkyTest® Classroom Solution is your control base to manage student licenses, create training scenarios for groups or individuals and track performance developments.

SkyTest® training software is available for Microsoft Windows™, iOS (iPad™) and Android™ system enviroments.

Implementing SkyTest® CATE™ is easy and adds leverage to your curriculum as you will be able to identify and target individual performance shortcomings early.

SkyTest® CATE™ is a data-driven environment that benchmarks performances in the pilot peer-group: you can compare your students` performances against our global user benchmark.